Bringing gold and silver back as America's Constitutional money

Sound Money News

Why Gold Is Such an Effective Weapon Against the Government's Monetary Schemes

April 21st, 2023 • “Because gold is honest money it is disliked by dishonest men.” - Ron Paul Buying physical gold is a time-proven method of securing generational wealth, and a security measure often taken in times of economic turbulence.

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Mississippi Becomes the 43rd State to End Sales Taxes on Gold and Silver

April 20th, 2023 • (Jackson, Mississippi) – With the stroke of Gov. Tate Reeves’s pen on Wednesday, Mississippi has become the 43rd state in the country to end sales taxes on the purchase of physical gold, silver, platinum, and palladium coins and bullion. Senate Bill

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Arkansas Passes Legal Tender Act, Removes Taxes on Gold and Silver

April 18th, 2023 • Little Rock, Arkansas (April 18, 2023) – Sound money advocates are rejoicing as House Bill 1718, the Arkansas Legal Tender Act has become the law in the Natural State. Backed by the Sound Money Defense League, Money Metals Exchange, and sound money adv

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Is Central Bank Digital Currency Unconstitutional?

April 10th, 2023 • The latest fad in monetary policy circles worldwide is CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency, a government-created cryptocurrency exchanged on a blockchain. Many fear that it would give governments complete control over individuals by allowing them to tr

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Three Congressmen Introduce Gold Standard Bill to Stabilize the Dollar's Value

April 4th, 2023 • Washington, DC - As America faces the twin threats of inflation and bank failures, three U.S. congressman introduced a pivotal sound money bill that would enable the Federal Reserve note “dollar” to regain stable footing for the first time in more tha

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FDR's Other ‘Day of Infamy': When the US Government Seized All Citizens' Gold

April 4th, 2023 • December 7, 1941 will forever be remembered as, in the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "a date that will live in infamy." Another infamous date is April 5, 1933—the day that FDR ordered the seizure of the private gold holdings of the American people

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Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Protect State Funds with Gold and Silver

March 24th, 2023 • Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed a measure into law that would empower the State Treasurer to invest state funds in physical gold and silver.

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Tennessee House and Senate Vote Unanimously to Protect State Funds with Gold and Silver

March 14th, 2023 • Every single lawmaker in both chambers of the Tennessee legislature has voted to empower the State Treasurer to invest state funds in physical gold and silver.

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Sound Money Bills Moving Forward Rapidly in Many States

March 9th, 2023 • Because there is so much activity happening at the state level with respect to sound money legislation, here is a quick update on some of the most important bills that are currently pending.

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Kentucky House of Representatives Votes to End Sales Taxes on Sound Money

March 8th, 2023 • Responding to overwhelming grassroots support over the last three years, lawmakers in the Kentucky House have voted to end the state’s controversial practice of imposing sales taxes on all purchases of precious metals.

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