Bringing gold and silver back as America's Constitutional money

Sound Money News

Restoring Sound Money to America

November 22nd, 2019 • The intent of the Framers could not have been clearer. The Constitution clearly and unequivocally brought into existence a monetary system based on gold coins and silver coins being the official money of the United States.

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Congressman Prods Attorney General on Gold, Silver Trading Questions Ignored by CFTC

November 13th, 2019 • A U.S. representative who has been pressing the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with questions about the gold and silver markets has asked Attorney General William P. Barr to try intervene and get answ

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Sound Money Scholarship Winners Announced -- 7 Outstanding Thinkers Earn Nearly $10,000 in Tuition Assistance

November 5th, 2019 • Eagle, ID (November 6, 2019) – Seven outstanding students beat out more than 100 of their high-school and college peers in making the best case for sound money through an international, gold-backed scholarship competition—and the winners walked away w

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Why Nobody Chants “End the Fed” Anymore

October 30th, 2019 • Americans hated it when the Federal Reserve handed trillions of dollars to crooked Wall Street banks following the 2008 Financial Crisis. Politicians were confronted about the merits of central banking and bailouts. For the first time in history, college

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Yes, Gold “Just Sits There” and That’s Quite a Feat

October 22nd, 2019 • The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Zweig famously referred to gold as a “Pet Rock” in 2015. He was blasted by people who understand that gold is no passing fad, and it serves some very important roles in an investment portfolio.

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Treasury, Fed Evade Congressman's Gold Questions So He Presses Them Again, and More

September 10th, 2019 • U.S. Rep. Alex X. Mooney, R-West Virginia, is continuing his efforts to get answers from the U.S. Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission about surreptitious interventions by the U.S. government in the financial and

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College-Bound Students Should Consider Buying Gold Instead

September 9th, 2019 • Millions of young people who don’t necessarily have any funds to invest in financial markets face the dim prospect of negative real returns on their overpriced college degrees. Given declining academic standards and rising emphasis on ideological indoct

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Are Central Bankers Taking Sides in the 2020 Election?

September 5th, 2019 • Individual investors are nervous about the stock market and the possibility of recession. Meanwhile, institutional money from banks and hedge funds is keeping a bid under equities, pushing stock prices higher after every minor dip. Together with the “P

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Gold Price Suppression Denier Defends His Client Central Banks

August 28th, 2019 • While most market analysts who have denied central bank and government intervention against gold have long since gone silent on the issue, Managing Partner Jeff Christian of metals consultancy CPM Group continues to disparage such complaints as "conspirac

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Sound Money Showdown Underway in U.S. States

August 6th, 2019 • Policies relating to sound money have been the subject of substantial debate at the state level this year, with bills, hearings, and/or votes taking place in nearly a dozen legislatures. As most state legislatures have now wrapped up their work for the y

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